Friday, May 03, 2013

Two poems not exactly about hope

1 Past and present, future tense

Subterranean coal fires can smoulder for centuries. 
I didn’t know one yearned inside of me 
until we met again.
Pure oxygen.
Ablaze with fierce invincibility,
Amazed you still - once more - wanted me,
I had no use for futuristic abstracts such as hope.
until you told me there was none. 

2 What was left after what you said

In Pandora's story, 
after the monstrous shadows of genocide and war and pestilence
and exploitation and famine and government surveillance
had dispersed to every corner of the earth;

After the mosquito whine
Of piles and nightmares
And dogshit on the streets
And rising busfares
Had swarmed irretrievably
into the cooling evening air
to visit their faint horrors on humanity;

Pandora uncovers her ears, snuffles back fears
and, still cursed with curiosity, swallows her tears
to crawl across the floor 
to see what remains inside the jar, 
glowing softly and singing to itself.

Well aware of this cautionary tale,
I dared not break your seal, although
I longed to run my thumb along your lip.
Such sweet surprise, then, when
you opened yourself to me,
and no dark miseries overflowed the rim.
The aroma of a nourishing meal,
darting iridescent words,
honeyed smiles setting flowers aswirl
to settle around my heart.

But when all that
Couldn’t be put back
The jar was empty except
for the hollow echo of what you said.

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